The philosophy of public philanthropy has been around in the 180 years old family owned conglomerate, Anwar Group of Industries (AGI), from even before its inception in 1834, Not only has AGI played a pioneering role in promoting corporate and entrepreneurial culture in Bangladesh, it has also played a major role in spreading the idea of Corporate Social Responsibility in the country. In a study sponsored by the British Business Group (BBG) on the CSR culture among member companies of DCCI, AGI was deemed to have had an exemplary culture of conducting CSR activities. AGI strongly believes that taking care of its employees and giving back to the society have played a vital part in establishing the company as one of the oldest, Largest and most diversified industrial groups operating in the country. At the heart of AGI’s activities is the deep rooted conviction, towards people and society at large, that emanates from the values that has been in the family for many centuries. The practice of family based charity has always encouraged and commended leading to a strong culture of magnanimity. The recipient of such charity were relatives and local people in need of assistance, both financial and otherwise, for a range of taxing activities such as initiating a new business or organizing the wedding of a female family member.